It's here! FINALLY! And we are shooketh to the core by the atmosphere on the red carpet, the love, and energy! Most of the post from here on out will be followed from E! News. This year the Emmy's will be hosted by the funny-men-dou and Saturday Night Live's very own Colen Jost and Michael Che. Now, of course, we never know who or what is going to pop out of the Weekend Updates, a segment on Saturday Night Live, mouths or who they'll be making fun of. One thing is for sure, they'll probably be mentioning everything that's happening in crazy town (a.k.a The White House) or the controversy surrounded by  Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trumps pick for Supreme Court. But sorry B.K, the future doesn't look good nor bright for you with the newly allegations of rape charged against him. Although we do not know what's coming for Kavanaugh, we DO know that it'll be a fabulous, fashion4ward night for us as we'll continuously be keeping you updated throughout the night. 

- Molly Burk 
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