Yaaassss! Finally, the moment we've all been waiting for all year long, the Emmys! That's right Emmys, live on NBC, are here for the stars to run up on stage, forget their acceptance speech and to grab the award. We're particularly excited to see the funny-man-duo, Collin Jost and Michael Che. We never know what's going to happen on the red carpet and we absolutely love it - as Guiliana Ranic, "Anything can happen here on the red carpet!" But also we don't know for certain what the Weekend Update (A segment on Saturday Night Live) co-hosts are going to joke about. But we do have an idea - Brett Kavanaugh, who's been accused of rape, is staying reeeeeal quiet and trying to stay out of the public eye but it's not really working out (Sorry B.K!). Colin Jost and Michael Che are definitely going to bring that up. Although nothing is promised here. one thing that is going to be guaranteed is that here at Fashion4Ward we are going to have a fabulous time watching along with you and keeping the blog updated throughout the night. Stay tuned!  

- Molly Burk

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