WTF! When Did This Happen? 

In light of all the bad news going around lately, I think the world deserves a bit of a pick-me-up don't ya think? Well lucky for you, we have got a juicy story that either FASHION4WARD has completely missed or wasn't aware of or the whole world is in the dark as well. 

Our favorite family, the Kardashians, are not only good at looking perfect all the time, but apparently they're also good at pulling one over our eyes so to speak. There's always something going on in that family, but this time it's not about someone getting pregnant. It's about Kourtney Kardashian and her new found relationship with Younes Bendjima. I know, we can't get over it either. 

A source has just confirmed that the two has been in the city of love, Paris! I guess love is in the air ya know?

All of this happening after the recent events of Kourtney and Scott breaking up. But usually when you break up with someone you don't invite them to family functions. But because the, now broken up, couple have children together, we can certainly see why. It looks like all these two love birds can think about is each other and there is no sign of the late boyfriend, Scott Disick, anywhere on her radar. 

-- Katy Balone 

October 3, 2017 

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