Everybody's A Critic 

Finally! It came. it saw and it conquered the hearts of fans! Well.. not quiet. Some critics of the shows first episode in years said it was, "Dry and stale" Ouch! At some point during the premier of Will & Grace some thought "Man. what happened?" while others were liking it! Fans of the show were ecstatic, "I'm so happy Will & Grace are back on! I feel complete." one fan tweeted. "The new #WillAndGrace is everything I wanted and more... cue an entire weekend spent binge watching ALL the episodes" said another. The show opened up it's season with an episode based on none other than the world's biggest star, Donald Trump. Now as we all know, Donald Trump isn't the most liked person in the world, but a large number of the people that watch the show do actually support him. As you can imagine, rates went down and some viewers expected a lot more. 

"Let me save @realDonaldTrump some trouble. Will and Grace, more like Will and Disgrace!" 

Yikes, well at least we're happy about it. 

--Luke Woods

October 1st, 2017

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