WOW! Shahs Of Sunset Cast Member Asa Soltan Rahmati Pregnancy Days Are Over In Just 8 Days!

PHEW! Okay, I think we all can agree that Asa could kick our butts in a cycling class. In JUST 8 DAYS she lost her baby weight. We don't know what she was putting in her usual herbal spice tea, but can you hook some sista's up out there? I mean, let's be honest, Beyonce didn't even lose the weight from Sir and King. Okay here's the rundown: 

Since January the 20th, the day that Soltan Jackson was born, Asa said she only gained 18 pounds during her pregnancy and (Somehow - we still don't believe it either) lost all her weight in one week and a day! She took to Instagram to show off new body - and who wouldn't want to show off? That's a big accomplishment in a small amount of time - and wrote

"Know your worth Lover and never let anyone tell you otherwise. #Golden #asasoltan #Priestess PS I lost my pregnancy weight in just 8 days but I had only gained 18 pounds which was mostly just my Baby, extra fluids etc."

Okay, but how did you do it Mrs. Rahmati? I guess just pure exercise? Whatever she did, it definitely showed results!

-- Julia Ekryn

Oct 5th, 2017

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